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Welcome Palfarma for our team!

Writer: Marketing LABDMarketing LABD

"We are honored to introduce you to this new partnership in Ecuador" - LABD

Palfarma, present in the market for eighteen years, acts by commercializing quality products for the health sector, with a focus on recognizing the brands represented, aiming at the delivery of the best product, offering the best services to customers.

It is with pleasure that we introduce you to this great company as a representative of the Orthop, Bio Compression and Phimed companies.

Orthop is a Brazilian company, active in the market for 21 years, dedicated to research and studies of the best materials with technology for plantar orthoses.

Biocompression has been present in the market for 35 years, with a factory in the USA, producing arterial and venous pumps treating a variety of conditions with designs that mimic the lymphatic system, reducing edema.

And finally, Phimed is a Spanish company that markets quantitative and qualitative medical devices for neuropathies in diabetic feet using this equipment called Nervcheck.


Palfarma, presente en el mercado a dieciocho años, actua comercializando productos de calidad para el sector de la salud, con enfoque en los reconocimientos de las marcas representadas visando la entrega del mejor producto, possendo los mejores servicios a los clientes.

Es con mucho gusto que les presentamos esta gran empresa como representante de las empresas Orthop, Bio Compression y Phimed.

Orthop es una empresa brasileña, actuante en el mercado a 21 años, dedicada a pesquisas y estudios de los mejores materiales con tecnologia para órteses plantares.

Biocompression esta presente en el mercado a 35 años, con fabrica en EEUU, producindo bombas arteriales y venodas tratando una variedade de afecciones con un diseños imitando el sistema linfático, reduciendo el edema.

Y por fin, Phimed es una empresa española donde comercializan dispositivos médicos cuantitativos y cualitativos de neuropatias en pies diabéticos por este equipamiento llamado Nervcheck.


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